Classroom Integration-Peg in the Egg® (a putty buddy)!

Kids love using Peg in the Egg® to participate in the following:

Math: Add putty noses and subtract by taking “a dip” with an index finger to make the nose disappear! Practice counting!

ELA: Dot out numbers and letters with the Peg pencil!

Reading: Tap out sounds using your isolated digit on a putty nose! Try tapping out sounds with an index finger and thumb! “Swipe” the whole word in a putty trough created with the peg!

Science: Use the side of the Peg to make a caterpillar and add wings with the Peg pencil to make a butterfly! Can you stamp a smiling sun and draw rays using vertical, horizontal, and oblique lines with the Peg pencil?

Social Studies: Can you make a group of putty people with your Peg stamper and Peg? Can you draw/make a community?

Art: What can you create with your Peg in the Egg™? Can you convert your creation from a 2d to a 3d structure?

Music: Can students sing about their class community and add one Peg stamper face for each student mentioned?

PE-Can you do Peg in the Egg™ activities while on your belly? Up against the wall? Against the underside of a table while on your back?

Technology: Can you practice isolating a digit to strike a key by pressing a fingertip on a “nose” to “take a dip”?

Social-emotional learning: Can you use Peg in the Egg™ to relieve stress? It’s fun!

Peer interaction: Can you use the linear side of the Peg to make a Tic-Tac-Toe board? The Peg stamper can be O, and the pencil end can imprint X. Try the Dots and Boxes game! Practice turn-taking, waiting patiently, “going with the flow”, and the value of problem solving with a peer by playing the Peg in the Egg game!

The possibilities are endless! Try it out today!