2024 VOTA Conference

Thank you for inviting me to present and exhibit. I had a wonderful time!

I connected with so many amazing people at AOTA Inspire 2023!

We had a great time at the NYSOTA conference in Albany, NY October 2023! Please contact us if you would like to have us exhibit at your event.

“Occupation-Based Coaching to Facilitate Teacher Self-Efficacy: A Pilot Program,” poster sessions at AOTA Inspire and NYSOTA 2023!

Southpaw is an incredible JustGrowPlay partner!

JustGrowPlay® debuted at the 2022 NYSOTA conference!

As school-based occupational therapy professionals, our relationships with fellow teachers and staff can make all the difference for our students. I firmly believe in occupation-based coaching to support this critical work.

JustGrowPlay® and Peg in the Egg® represent this philosophy!

Occupational engagement (for teachers and students) starts with trusting, intentional relationships.